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STEM/STEAM CERTIFICATION PROCESS ASK – Identify Problems and Constraints How is a STEM/STEAM school different than traditional school? Develop & implement a vision to build school culture Choose a Process·Thinking Model Utilize district initiatives, identify overlap of standards ldentify real- world problems of your local community IMAGINE- Brainstorm and Choose the best ideas Envision possible resources to get there. List existing, school resources Gain Professional Learning on culture & goals Access school partners to understand needs and resources Establish protected collaborative planning PLAN- Design a Blueprint Using Georgia Standards. Draft long-term Project Based-Learning experiences rooted, in standards using Process-Thinking Model Engage, community partners to support PBL experience Design day-to-day interdisciplinary lessons connecting a minimum of two content areas Generate Journal prompts for PBL & day-to-·day interdisciplinary CREATE -Build, Test and Evaluate Try it out! Put long-term and day-to-day plans into practice Include community partners in executing PBL Record notes for PBL & day-to-day reflections, Begin the pre-certification process SHARE AND IMPROVE - Adjust for Better Results, Evaluate the outcomes and improve. BuiId a sustainability plan Showcase your work with other STEM/STEAM schools Begin the certification process